Christian's Corner: Pro-Lationships

An Open Presentation

               Attended by the Next Generation of Leaders in the Faith.  Our own Daughters as well as our Son sit in on our seminar to engage in solid inspiration. Also featuring a camera man for this venture.

               The Prolationship Lessons are educational for all who need refresher or introductory material or even reference material. This page houses the opening discussion session, but as it suggests it is yet only the beginning. 

               We pronounce these fundamentals with intent to give the audience a good or better understanding of the spiritual social and spiritual cultural landscape that is general to us as believers regardless of our geographical location or our current experience level.

    With scriptural references available upon request as all ways, we embark on a trek that examines some quite practical topics spawning from self-value with evidential detail the invites our passengers (yourself included) to delve into the core knowledge of the hidden strength so potent in our state of being, but however so weak by our homo sapient limitations.   

    By the method referred to as comparison we misjudge life and either neglect or totally deny if not subtract from due credit while on other occasions over exaggerate to accommodate or over calculate mediocre for great. This observation prompted our excavation, which in turn lead us to a expression of concern that manifests itself as is yet, still, however, and moreover expounding! We have not been entirely thorough in this expose. To cover the much needed content in such a way the does it due justice and diligence requires further transpiration that is just as well in the queue pending shipment scheduled for delivery at an unspecified time and date where in some perception in some realm by the time of the reception of this information may have already occurred and accrued. Are you ready?