Christian's Corner: Marriage Mastery 101

Series Finale

        Since there cannot be the same walk for everyone, everyone must find there own walk. In the case of the loyal followers of Christ there is a two-way fork in the road: Married or Single. Though it takes a decision on our behalf we should bear in mind that with Christ is the knowledge of which of these paths is the one for us, and if, only if, marriage is the true path for the individual then the mate is the pick-up stop or delivery address along that path and, again, with Christ is the knowledge of the identity of that mate.

        Bonus:  This lesson comes in on an as needed clause. Complimentary to all but to some it is critical. Marriage is not for everyone, therefore not everyone is fated to the bachelor/bachelorette life. 

        We come to understand the standpoint that is default for us as followers of Christ. To know, regardless of what others demand as their right, whether it is the right to inter-gender marry or the right to refuse to conduct an inter-gender wedding, that Christ has predetermined the steps that we are to take very specifically and that deviation form his instructions even in the slightest manner is entirely sin against him.

        In the Reflective Notes video above we gracefully bring to bear the idea to prioritize Christ's Love over the Righteousness of Obedience so equally as Grace as it is above the Law. 

        We in no way seek to punish the actions of the sleepwalker, doing so may cause a breakdown of the nervous system. And just because our first objective is to wake them, it must be done with care, or else the results could be much more disastrous than it would if to rebuke. Brilliantly, if we can entice their appeal to Christ as a lover of complete power and wisdom who is everywhere simultaneously, who has authority to declare Right or Wrong and is justified in all of his actions, who we need  to save of us from the consumption of our souls by the pain and deceit in this life, and from the hellfire and brimstone in the next life, again, if we can convince them of that, the Living God is faithful and just to both forgive them and purge them from all manner of sin and unrighteousness in his own administering of his holy spirit. To convince a person of sin is one thing not to forget, but only in route to deliver the message of the Gospel of Christ: believe and be freed!

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